Guest House Mogzauri-Traveler
Guest House Mogzauri-Traveler - Mestia, გიო ნიგურიანი 3
საკონტროლო კოდი: ასერთს + 8702 storeys / rooms: 4 / 12 bed
- 0
- Standart 2
- Standart 3
- Additional bed 20
- May
- 30
- 20
- June
- 60
- 30
- July
- 60
- 30
- August
- 60
- 30
- September
- 60
- 30
- October
- 40
- 15
- Breakfast
- Wake up
- Iron
- Washing
The hotel is located in the center of Svaneti, in the beautiful Mestia, the hotel has its 12th century tower-complex, which can be seen from inside.