Apart Hotel hostel NUNU
Apart Hotel hostel NUNU - Lentekhi, Chavchavadze st. 30
საკონტროლო კოდი: ასერთს + 6311 storeys / rooms: 4 / 13 bed
- 0
- Standart 2
- Standart 3
- Additional bed 30
- January
- 40
- 40
- February
- 40
- 40
- March
- 40
- 40
- April
- 40
- 40
- May
- 40
- 40
- June
- 40
- 40
- July
- 40
- 40
- August
- 40
- 40
- September
- 40
- 40
- October
- 40
- 40
- November
- 40
- 40
- December
- 40
- 40
- Breakfast
- Wake up
- Iron
- Washing
- Parking
- Free Parking
The hostel "NUNU" is located at the entrance of Lentekhi, near the museum,on the top of the river Kheledura. The hostel is surrounded eith stunningly beautiful views. The hostel's rooms are newly renovated, comfortable and well furnished.We have 3 rooms with 2 seats ( common bathroom with toilet) and 1 room with 7 seats ( with bathroom-toilet).
Отель "НУНУ" расположен при входе в Лентехи, рядом с музеем, над рекой Хеледура.С Отелью открываетсья невероятный пейзаж.Отель очень комфортно, влагоустроенно с новым ремонтом.В наличии есть 3 номера 2-х местных ( ванная с туалетом)и 1 номер 7 местный ( ванная с туалетом).