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Guest House Guest house Shekvetili

Guest House Guest house Shekvetili - Shekvetili

საკონტროლო კოდი: ასერთს + 56026.08.2018

1 storeys / rooms: 3 / 7 bed

  • 0
  • Standart 2
  • Standart 3



    • Parking

    price- 100$

    Summer House is waiting for whom, is tired from the City's noisy lifestyle. In Shekvetili, where the Nature heals, and gives strength To body and Soul..

    You can trust me, I'll take you to a very good place, where family fun begins, where you can get into the spirit of the season.
    Welcome to My summer House in Shekvetili!
    Wishing a happy holiday!

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