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Mariamjvari Reserve

Reserve Mariamjvari Reserve - Sagarejo

Mariamjvari Nature Reserve Administration includes: Mariamjvari Nature Reserve (1040 ha), Korugi Managed Reserve (2068 ha) and Iori Managed Reserve (1336 ha).
Korugi Managed Reserve is located in south-eastern part of Sagarejo (1489 ha) and Gurjaani (579 ha) Municipalitie. The managed reserve territory is located in Iori gorge and represents narrow line with uneven shape, which runs from north-west to south-east. Managed Reserve Administrative building is located in # 2 quarter, which is 14 km away from Sagarejo and 64 km - from Tbilisi.
The main reasons of creation of Korugi and Iori Managed Reserve are: unique floodplain forests (Korugi), Tugai type forests (Iori), protection and maintenance of flora and fauna.