Iori Managed Reserve
Managed Reserve Iori Managed Reserve - Sagarejo
Iori Managed Reserve is located in outer Kakheti, on Signagi Administrative district, with a total area of 2126,8 ha. The forests of managed reserve are located in river Iori valley. It starts from irrigation channel through Korugi MR southern border and ends at Dali water reservoir near north border of Chachuna Managed Reserve. Managed reserve is bordered with Land foundation agricultural of Signagi district, mostly – pastures.
Managed Reserve territory is 30 km away from Signagi and 135 km - from Tbilisi.
The main reasons of creation of Korugi and Iori Managed Reserve are: unique floodplain forests (Korugi), Tugai type forests (Iori), protection and maintenance of flora and fauna