იპოვეთ სასტუმრო

აირჩიე ქალაქი

აირჩიე სასტუმროს ტიპი

სასტუმრო ლალეტა - Hotel Laleta


სასტუმრო ლალეტა - მესტია, ლალეტა

საკონტროლო კოდი: ასერთს + 36818.12.2015

  • 1 ადგილიანი
  • 2 ადგილიანი



    • დილის საუზმე
    • გაღვიძების სერვისი

    Община Латали, деревня Иенаши, 8 км
    от центра Местиа, Местиа, Грузия

    From time immemorial Svani were used to build big two-storeyed mansions with spacious verandas and splendid views to the surrounding mountain peaks. A spacious stne house is a pride of big Svani family. While visiting us, you will find out more about the advantages of Svani engineering. Levan Parjiani, host’s father, was an engineer on the construction site of Enguri hydro-electric power station, so he built his house not only following the Svani canons, but also using XX century technologies, keeping up with modern requirements. Mansion is over 50 years old, but still as new. It can survive mudflow and earthquake.
    We live on the first floor; kitchen and storage room are also there. Guestrooms are on the second floor. We have 5 rooms, from single to family suite with 5 beds, total capacity is 16 persons. There are 2 balconies on the second floor, one is open-air and the other gazebo. Those balconies and windows of the mansion reveal a beautiful see sight to Laila glacier, Banguriani mountain and the old Svani village Lakhushdi with its towers and surrounding forest.

    სასტუმროს დამატება ავტორიზაცია