Семейный отель Likani-house
Семейный отель Likani-house - Борджоми, მესხეთის ქუჩა 14
საკონტროლო კოდი: ასერთს + 657პაკეტი
- Breakfast
- Free Parking
Visit 'LikaniHouse' and rest in good environment. The hotel type house is located in Pineforest, near the Romanov residence and the medical balneological corporation, near the hotel "Rixos". We also get smaller and larger groups. Gas, electricity, central heating, wifi, cold and hot water 24 hours.Unusual time is spent by guests to join us. Contact person: Gia. Price is 2030 GEL per person. Find us on facebook with "LikaniHouse". TEL: 599 758317, 595 952365, 577 355611. To see more pictures, visit this drive link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Xv5i93F_x9sDqQYLC3kC3_0sbHNNk3G
dasveneba borjomshi, vacation in Borjomi. # Vacation in Borjomi # Vacation in Likani