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Гостиница David Sultan

Гостиница David Sultan - Тбилиси, ფალიაშვილის ქუჩა 16a

საკონტროლო კოდი: ასერთს + 43610.06.2015

3 этажей / 10 Номер / 20 мест

  • Standart 1 190
  • Standart 2 250
  • Standart 3 270
  • Lux 260



    • Breakfast
    • Iron
    • Washing
    • Parking

    Hotel David Sultan is located at the heart of the historical center of old Tbilisi, at a distance of two steps from Liberty square and Rustaveli Avenue.
    Hotel offers free Wi-Fi internet and protected CAR PARK in a hotel yard.
    Guests of David Sultan can enjoy Oriental tea in the Café for free.Buffet breakfast is served every morning.
    Hotels interior and design is the place where EAST AND WEST are mixed together.
